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Voluntary Fly Friendly Program

Phoenix Goodyear Airport’s (GYR) Voluntary Fly Friendly Program aims to reduce the impact of aircraft noise on the surrounding communities by working with companies, flight schools, and pilots to adopt efforts to reduce noise levels voluntarily without compromising safety.

Aircraft noise varies significantly with weather changes, seasonal tourism, pilot training, and significant events. Ambient Noise level is lower at night than during the day, and aircraft noise can seem louder.

Voluntary Fly Friendly Noise Abatement Measures

  • Meet monthly with GYR flight schools and other pilots to work on reducing noise over residential areas.
  • Encourage pilots to avoid low-level flight activity over residential areas, when possible.
  • Encourage pilots to keep the aircraft pattern at or south of I-10/McDowell Road, when possible. If extended north of I-10/McDowell, make the best effort to maintain 1,000’ AGL until south of I-10, when possible.
  • Air Traffic control tower will limit the number of aircraft in the pattern.
  • Fly a tight landing pattern to keep noise as close to the airport as possible.
  • Tower has added a Letter to Airmen in the FAA NOTAM website to provide voluntary noise abatement measures to pilots.
  • Fly Friendly airfield signage has been installed for pilots at GYR as a reminder to use noise abatement measures.
  • GYR chart supplement has been updated to provide pilots information on key noise abatement procedures
  • Helicopters: Avoid residential areas, and low-altitude flights, when possible.
  • Piston aircraft pilots are encouraged to follow the AOPA Noise Awareness Steps, when possible. 
  • Turbine/jet aircraft pilots are encouraged to use NBAA's Noise Abatement Program procedures, when possible.
  • Continually evaluate the program and work with stakeholders to improve any issues.

For tracking flight information and submitting an aircraft noise concern through Casper’s flight tracking system, visit  Flight Tracking | Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport.

To submit a noise concern or question online or over the phone, visit  Submit a Comment.

The City of Phoenix maintains monthly and annual aircraft noise complaint data to study complaint trends. The latest noise reports are available here.

The Arizona Department of Real Estate requires a public disclosure map that shows the exterior boundaries of each traffic pattern in the vicinity of a public airport. Learn more.

The Phoenix Goodyear Airport has a pilot’s guide for information to pilots. 

The City of Phoenix Aviation Department provides a generalized traffic pattern and noise sensitive land uses map for GYR.

Additional FAA resources for noise concerns.

These are only general recommendations. Some may not be advisable for every aircraft in every situation. Safety always comes first.